"Guava" is one type of fruit that we already know from various types of fruits there. Physically, guava is very easy to recognize as the green colored rind, have flesh that is colored white or red and has many seeds inside
the flesh.
Although guava store various amazing benefits, but in fact not many people know about it. So, what are the amazing benefits of guava for the health of the body ...?
Friend, health tips. Most of the nutrients needed by the body are the fruits that we consume every day
in particular vitamin, a source of fiber, protein and minerals. One fruit is highly recommended to start in consumption every day is guava
seed. This is because, guava is one of the fruits that are rich in nutrients and easy to find and easy to grow in the wild in Indonesia.
After reading this article, in the hope you will begin to look guava. Here are benefits amazing guava for the health of your body:
1. Nutrition Eye. Guava turned out to contain the main source of vitamin A. Vitamin A helps nourish the eye organ to be healthy eye and helps slow
the emergence of health problems in the eye such as cataracts and macular degeneration or loss of vision when you get older.
2. Prevention of Cancer. Guava has a source of antioxidants needed by your body. Source of antioxidants in question are lycopene which has the function of reducing the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer and oral cancer. This is because, guava can inhibit cancer cell metastasis growth and deadly.
3. Weight Loss. Guava is in fact also proved effective in your weight loss program. This in because, in addition to satiating the stomach longer, guava also supply nutrients needed by the body sera low in cholesterol and low in carbohydrates. This is what makes guava become one of your perfect diet program.
4. avoidance Diabetes. Turns guava can help prevent diabetes type 2. In addition, the guava is also very good for diabetics. This in because, a source of fiber in guava can help regulate or control the absorption of sugar in your body.
5. Antidotes Hypertension. Another function that is not less important than guava which is to reduce the risk of high blood pressure or hypertension. The content of the fiber source guava role in reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and improve blood circulation in the blood vessels which in turn can prevent hypertension.
6. Cerdaskan brain. Guava contains vitamin B3 (niacin) and B6. Both of these vitamins play a role in increasing the blood circulation to all organs, including the brain. Therefore, guava fruit can be one of the alternatives that can improve brain health and make a person more concentrated.
7. Constipation Solutions. Constipation or constipation be a serious problem if not handled faster. Source of fiber in guava can help improve the health of the digestive system and the excretory system. In this case can facilitate the process of defecation and keep you from constipation.
Good tips to review health guava some amazing benefits for health can be useful for all readers. Finally, a warm greeting from the author.
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