Blog or website is a place to share knowledge, news, and others. Very nice blog is a blog that looks professional and beautiful, both in terms of appearance, navigation, loading speed, and the content of the blog.
Here I will give you a bit of knowledge I have seseuai my thoughts on blogs favored by google adsense, is suitable for those of you who want to register your blog. Let's start !
Nice blog to be registered, namely:
1. The policy does not violate google
2. The view is nice or modest
3. Have a white background
4. Blog loading speed above 60%
5. Clear navigation system
6. Blog more text than images
7. Responsive
That's the main key 7 blog, please read the points below for more details:
Not Violate Google Policy
This is the first point that must be followed by a blogger, the blog must not violate the ToS like, i**egal downloads, the words are vu*gar, po*n*graph*c, religion, ethn*city, race, content to steal or copy and paste, h*ck*rs, fra*d, and others should not be done.
Display Good And Simple
This second point yes, so your blog preferred by visitors and Google, you should first see most important: the blog. Keep the blog has a cool view, beautiful, gorgeous, but very simple, and not messy.
What is disheveled? namely, the blog did not most of the widgets that are not important. better off widgets is not important, just plug that is important, so do not look disheveled. not just google adsense who likes, but you can also appeal to visitors so that they feel at home long in your blog.
Had the White Colored Background
Yes, this is also one of the conditions is an absolute must-have a blog, although it does not have to be white, but with a blog that has a white background will be more unsightly than a blog that has a background color to another.
Because if the blog background color other than white, certainly visitors who read your blog posts his or her eyes will definitely be sore, try it if you do not believe. Therefore select only the white background.
Blog Loading Speed Must Above 60%
If it points to four very mandatory, because in order to get love from him, loading his blog you must be quick. Try it if your blog is loading slow as cold worm, the main core is the speed of the blog should be above that I mentioned earlier.
Obviously Haru Navigation System
It also should be noted, navigation blog should be easily seen by visitors. and remember, do not exist in the navigation links that are not clear, or damaged. The navigation system should not ruffled.
Blog More Text Than Images
Well, this should also be highly noticed, make your blog contains text, try on each post contains 1-2 images alone. Unless your blog is to discuss the tutorial should include images so that visitors more details on the tutorial.
But, when you're discussing better like this article hanya1 image only on each post. Because google adsense really like blogs that contain text, because the blog will be considered more professional, because they have a blog person is not lazy. The term is content is king, but remember, the article must be original, do not take away from other blogs.
hmm ,, this last point that you must know, now that many bloggers are changing the look of their blog becomes responsive. Her aim to attract more visitors, because now many people use smartphones. So, when people are looking for something in google and coincidentally that emerges is that bertampilan responsive blog, then automatically display the blog will be menyesuiankan size of smart phones.
And this blog is favored by google adsense and the visitors, although not all blogs are not responsive it in hate, but more responsive blog recommends.
Taps, that the characteristics of the blog are the preferred google adsense, please create your blog becomes like the above first to be liked by google adsense, and good luck.
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