Hello, You definitely in between there were nge-Blog Android? And surely you trouble to edit or change your Blog Template? And I assume that you are an Android application.
How lucky you are reading this article, because here I akanmemberikan this solution and a full 100% work !. So I hope I hope you can be helped. Okay, let's Let's start!
Through editing and Upload Template Blog Via Android
Materials or tools that need, namely: * Template want to edit (the format "xml." Without the quotes) *
Chrome: * (to upload the template already in the edit later) *
Root Explorer (Android already at the root, I use this one) *
Explorer: (Android is not yet in the root) *
Android Default Browser (for download template and copy the url)
The materials above must be installed diAndroid you, if not please you search on Google a lot. Let's start !
1. Your Android must be installed "Chrome" Chrome remember nothing else. If you do not have please search on Google.
2. If you've installed Chrome do not open before, please you Sign here - >> www.blogger.com using your default Android browser.
3. If you've logged into Blogger, please you're heading - >> Dashboard, choose - >> Template, Select - >> Backup / Restore, then select - >> Download the template complate. Let the downloading process done. Or You can also download templates and responsive SEO that are popular today, please you download free templates or premium on Google a lot.
4. If it is completed, please you go - >> Root Explorer or Explorer, and then locate the file ".xml" of the template that you downloaded earlier on your Android folder (usually the name suggests - >> 367339448-338393.xml, or is like -> > yukpujiblog.xml essentially that behind him was the format -> ".xml")
5. If you have found, please edit it in which part you want to edit, if the editing has been completed please you - >> Save (usually this save button in the menu selection of HP's Android and there on your left.
6. If you have the save please you reopen your Android default browser and please go - >> Dashboard - >> Template. Then copy or copy the address, or URL address that is on your default browser.
7. If you have a copy of the address of the Blogger template before, please you go - >> Chrome, and then paste or paste the address you copied earlier to the - >> Empty URL column in Upper Chrome jus now. Then click -> Search.
8. If it is open, please you click - >> Backup / Restore, then select -> Chose File, then please you find where lies the template that you edited earlier. If you have found, please select, then click - >> Upload, upload about 3 minute.
If successful you will be taken later towards you and your blog posts "Review". But if that appears red text and you will not be brought to the Blog you, it means that the upload failed. That's in no script editing incomplete or conflicting, usually no warning this "error in html blablabla".
Feel free to edit the correct script your template, then upload again. That's how How to Edit and Change Blog Templates Through Android. If there are not clear please ask in the comments. Well hopefully useful, and Good Luck!
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